
Your best friends in Mexiko

  • Sun protection – sun burns you quicker than your breakfast toast
  • Water – on a hot day you’ll need 8 liters or more per day
  • Sunhat or cap – if you want to solve a simple summary like 4+5 without problems the next day
  • Nose and eye moisturizing balm or spray – the dry climate will create little rocks in your eyes and nose. (Specially in Mexico City and Central Mexico)
  • Mosquito repellant – a must for survival (specially in Yucatan and other djungle areas)
  • cash – outside of the big cities credit cards are not accepted sometimes. Also ATM´s are not available in all villlages. US Dollar or Mexican Peso are both good companions.

Dallas is the city for lonelyness

Oktober 2017

I was staying in a Hotel right downtown to meet people in Texas 3rd largest city. That’s what I have thought. In reality Dallas only has been created for work. Apart from lunchtime or a Mavericks match nobody is in the streets, at no time. This was quite disappointing, so I did the normal tourist stuff like JFK all you can see, Southfork Ranch and the largest bronze monument (which is a couple of cowboys with lots of longhorns).

Nothing to repeat !!

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¡Mmmmmh qué gusto!

Febrero 2018

Valencia en Febrero se presenta con un tiempo caprichoso. De todo caso el disfruto culinario siempre es encantador. Nuestra primera Paella del año seguida por una variedad de postres estupendos.

Gracias por habernos hecho tan linda compañía: Marta, Paula y Stephan !!!

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How to Deal with a Holiday Hangover?

Excellent thaughts on how to overcome being back in everydays routines.

Trips Don't Lie.

Have you just returned home from a week-long holiday? Does your life feel meaningless now and you still can’t get over with the great time you had, away from the daily hustle-bustle? Your body is home but mind has not returned from the holiday mode. You wish your vacation had lasted longer.

But it’s time to get back to reality!

You’ve been hit by a post-vacation hangover or holiday blues, as it is called.

We understand it’s a difficult time to pass, it happens with most of us after returning from a wonderful trip. But everything has a cure-

Holiday hangover

  • Take up the easier work first- After spending a great holiday, you hit the office and find your inbox loaded with mails and piles of paperwork on you desk. Or as a student, you get burdened with assignments to submit and unending lectures! To start with, set your priorities and deal…

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Frankfurt wiederentdeckt – Westhafen

Ich bin hier aufgewachsen und nur noch unregelmässig auf Stippvisite in town. Immer wieder entdecke ich neue, alte Ecken, die mich total begeistern. So auch am 10.3.2018 das oder die Riverside.









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